What is the Starfish Galaxy Project?

The Hornsea Collective is working with partners and sponsors,  to create our very own coastal trail of starfish sculptures, bringing together our fabulous business community and talented artists. Our vision is to raise awareness of Hornsea as a visitor destination and share the beauty of our small coastal town through this exciting sculpture trail.


Did you know that a group of starfish is called a galaxy?

By choosing starfish as our core theme we are highlighting the importance of looking after our coastal habitats. This information is shared with Artists so it can be taken into consideration when they are putting together their design application:

Starfish have been inhabiting the Earth's oceans for an amazing 450 million years, making them one of the oldest known animal groups. Their enduring presence is testament to their remarkable adaptability and resilience;

Starfish are integral to marine ecosystems, serving as both predators and prey. Their feeding habits help control the populations of molluscs and other invertebrates, contributing to the balance and diversity of coastal habitats;

In various cultures, starfish hold symbolic significance. They are often associated with resilience, guidance, and intuition, representing the interconnectedness of life and the mysteries of the ocean.


Artists will submit applications to design a starfish sculpture, the final designs will be chosen by a selection committee. Each sculpture will be displayed throughout Hornsea, with the business sponsor and artist identified next to each sculpture. An accompanying booklet will be available via the Tourist Information centres, local businesses and other outlets which will also include the following information:

1)     Name of Sculpture Sponsor

2)     Name of Artist

3)     Inspiration behind the Artist’s design

4) Each Starfish location

Each starfish is approx. 1500mm in diameter, with a height of 300mm - made of moulded recycled plastics and secured by brackets to each premise.