Starfish Galaxy:  Artist Application 2024

Did you know that a group of starfish is called a galaxy?

By choosing starfish as our core theme we are highlighting the importance of looking after our coastal habitats. This information is shared with Artists so it can be taken into consideration when you are putting together their design application:

Starfish have been inhabiting the Earth's oceans for an amazing 450 million years, making them one of the oldest known animal groups. Their enduring presence is testament to their remarkable adaptability and resilience;

Starfish are integral to marine ecosystems, serving as both predators and prey. Their feeding habits help control the populations of molluscs and other invertebrates, contributing to the balance and diversity of coastal habitats;

In various cultures, starfish hold symbolic significance. They are often associated with resilience, guidance, and intuition, representing the interconnectedness of life and the mysteries of the ocean.


The Hornsea Collective is extremely proud to be working with a variety of businesses, organisations and artists to create our coastal trail. In Year 1 we will be introducing between 10 – 15 large decorated starfish across Hornsea to raise awareness of the importance of protecting our coastal environment, as well as promoting Hornsea as a destination for visitors. This is a fabulous opportunity to get involved in this exciting project, raise the profile of your own art business and contribute to an exciting, ever evolving community trail. Hornsea Collective is a ‘not for profit’ organisation, as such any monies raised will be reinvested back into the project over Years 2 and 3, where we plan to expand the coastal trail further. Your work will displayed in prominent positions across the Hornsea area, which is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your artwork.

Our 2D starfish sculptures are approximately 1400mm across and approximately 150mm deep - they will be wall mounted, so you can be as creative as you wish with this blank canvas. However, as the sculptures will be displayed along the coast they need to be robust to withstand the weather conditions, as well as being visually impactful from the ground.


Submissions should be emailed to

or posted to Hornsea Collective, 69 Southgate, Hornsea, East Yorkshire HU18 1AL


The Process: Once all of the artist submissions have been received, they will be judged by an independent panel and the results shared by the 1 November 2024. A nominal payment of £500 will be provided for each successful artist to put towards material costs for the starfish design.

1 January 2025 the starfish will be delivered to the successful artists for decorating. The deadline for the starfish to be returned for installation is Monday 17 February 2025 and installation of the starfish will take place in March 2025.

 The Application: Your application must include the following to be accepted and be submitted by 12pm on  Friday 29 November 2024, any submissions received after this deadline will not be accepted.


About You:

  • Provide an artist’s bio to include your name, relevant qualifications and exhibition history, as well as a photograph of yourself and a description of your artist style

  • Do you have any experience of a similar project - photos would be good to include here?

  • Please provide 5 images of your work in high quality jpeg format

  • List links to your website and social media links


About Your Design:

  • Your design – use the template provided below to showcase your starfish design

  • Explain what was the inspiration for your design?

  • Why you think you should be chosen for this project.



Please ensure all of your documents submitted as part of your application are clearly numbered and labelled with your name and project title